Friday, January 30, 2009

The International Preparatory School

The second school I discovered was The International Preparatory School located in Santiago, Chile. Like the first school their blog is based on general information about the school. One of their perks is they advertise a small student ratio. They also talk a lot about a British based education system that gives the students advantages for college. Computers are also used to help reinforce core basic classes such as math, reading and science. So the students here are also getting hands on computer training. They do have a blog on their site that students, teachers and parents can use to announce events or just keep in touch.

International School Bankok

One of the international school I discovered is The International School Bangkok on their blog they are able to show all the benefits their school offers to potential students. They have a detailed list of the curriculum offered. I thought it was interesting that they have several media centers where students able to learn on computers. The school also offers a section on their blog that is limited to student and parent access only so I was unable to explore those areas. I was impressed that two new languages that are being offered is Mandarin and Spanish because they feel these will greatly benefit their students. The site also has several pictures available to look at so you can get an idea of what the children are to participate in. They also have information on thing parents can do for their children to make the transition easier and less stressfull for the student.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Butlerville Elementary School

In Blanchester, Ohio I found Mrs. Davis who teaches first grade at Butlerville Elementary School. She uses her class blog to communicate with parents about the activities that students experience while in her class. She also has assignments like spelling word parents can access from home. She also has links to programs that her students can use to practice their math and spelling skills while at home. The links are fun and interactive like a game. She has collages of pictures posted so parents can see their child in action at school. Parents can also email her from the site if the have comments or concerns. Mrs.Davis’s class has been very busy you should see all the neat things they have been doing.

School Blogs

I visited a Jackson Elementary School located in Camden, South Carolina where a fifth grade teacher has introduced blogging to her class. Her student’s take turns taking the class’s stuffed bear home and then they blog on the internet what experiences they shared with Barry the bear. They have discussed everything from politics to September 11. The really neat part is when the students write the blogs they write as if Barry the bear is telling of the adventure he had with the student. I think this is a great creative way to get the students into blogging. If you want to check out Mrs. Edwards class blog here’s the site
Barry’s aventures check out where Barry has been.

Did You Know????

I just watched the movie on Fischbowl titled Did you know and I definitely think everyone should watch it. It was so powerful to see exactly where we are in the real scheme of things. And the shame of it is it was based on old statistics. I feel it was very powerful not only as an education student but also as a parent. The statement about the four year child’s computer capabilities are flooring, especially for me because I’m not a computer savvy person by any means. I do think its wonderful helping students in less developed countries by providing them with computer’s and internet access. Everyone always talks about how the world is so fast pace compared to just twenty years ago I believe computers have played a significant part in the way we want answers faster.

I did think it was very humbling to see how China is so much more successful than our country in not just its economy but also its education. We like to that we are the smartest most powerful country in the world when in fact we are anything but. India even graduates more students than us. Wow we should be ashamed at where our complacency has gotten not only our students but our overall country. It is time to step up and meet the needs of our information hungry country by training our students so they can be true competitors in the job market of tomorrow and today.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide Program is a great way for students to get help outside the classroom in areas they have difficulties. It also is great for students who enjoy learning using the computer and would rather work individually instead of a study group alternative. I would feel very comfortable in referring my students to use this site to improve their skills. The site covers many subjects and really gives students the opportunity to succeed in school.

I have read several “success stories where students who used the site were able to make-up courses failed and even complete their credits for graduation. Anything that helps more students able to graduate is wonderful and should be used to the fullest potential. Access also gives our students the ability to be competitive when applying for college because their able to take classes that may not be offered in their school.
I would use the site to support my students learning needs where it is extra practice with math or a class to advance their diploma earned. I would also use it in my room to give students not only computer experience but allow them to complete assignments using the computer.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I was very impressed about the enormous amount of information in one place. The site is definitely well organized. I found it very user friendly. Some of the lesson plans were so creative for really engaging the student and making the task fun at the same time. I looked at one lesson plan where the teacher used the example of the students could go on vacation. She gave specific guidelines that must be followed like distance and the method of travel but, I thought it was so creative.

I also like the easy access to the Alabama teaching standards. They also provide lesson plans for just that specific standard so I could not only see the standard but how the standard was applied. I found that most helpful. I wish I knew about this site sooner for other lessons I’ve had to put together. The way even the web links are organized so you’re able to find exactly what you’re looking for. I think this website will save me hours of broad searching saving me a lot of time and energy. Time and energy I can put into my students. My lessons should be a lot more put together than they have been in the past.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Post

My name is Doris McManus. I am a native of Mobile. I became a mother earlier this year to a very active baby girl. My husband and I have been married for 2 years. Recently I started my own home business with The Pampered Chef. This has been alot of fun I have met some great ladies and it has enabled me to be a stay at home mom but, still bring in an income. It also allows me to have adult conversations which you miss when your only companion doesn't speak your language. My personal website is PamperedChef I hope you enjoy it.

I actually started the university in 2003 and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. My life has changed so dramatically while I've been in school. I have gotten married,become a mother and soon I'll be an educator. All my dreams will have come true. I guess I'll need to discover new ones. As much as I love teaching I'm afraid our schools are in such bad shape that I'll end up just running my home business instead.

I feel like my degree is such a symbol of accomplishment and I refuse not to finish it. Plus, I have to think of the example I will be setting for my daughter. Chioldren really do change everything. I do think teaching is the ultimate job. Everyday you teach your students something new and they inturn teach you something new. It's a full circle job.

I am very excited about this class and also terrified at the same time. I think it will be a great tool for teaching my students. I just have to figure it out. I'm willing hopefully the teacher is very patient. Copmuters are just so confusing to me. I must comfess though I'm not really into electronics of any kind. Maybe this class will be the start to a more savy electronic life.